
WELLBASED brought together 18 partners from 10 countries.

Municipalities, research institutes and NGOs covering various disciplines including scientific, clinical, social and environmental skills:


External Advisory Board

The external advisory board was composed of six experts with complementary profiles. They were sparring partners to the WELLBASED team as they provided advice based on their longstanding experience and multidisciplinary perspective.

  • William Baker, Energy Systems Catapult (UK)
  • Sergio Tirado Herrero, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) (Spain)
  • Erio Ziglio, University of Applied Sciences Tyrol (Austria), Management Centre Innsbruck, (Austria), Glasgow Caledonian University in London (UK)
  • João Pedro Gouveia, CENSE, NOVA school of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), Portuguese Association for Energy Economics (Portugal), Drawdown Europe Research Association (Netherlands), EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (Brussels)
  • Ivana Roguli, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (Netherlands), University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business (Croatia)
  • Elena de la Poza, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)


Contact Person: Elena Rocher



LAS NAVES is a Foundation promoted by València City Council whose aim is to promote urban and social innovation putting people at the center of innovative action. It accompanies processes and initiatives that can provide innovative solutions to the real problems of citizenship and urban challenges, strengthening the social structures of the territory, through knowledge and technology, putting innovation at the service of citizenship, to contribute to governance and social cohesion.

Las Naves aims to make of Valencia an innovation city lab to validate innovative solutions and thus to generate evidence that leads to quality decision making on public policies, evaluating them to scale up as public services. The main purpose is to improve health, welfare, autonomy, social inclusion, participation and quality of life of citizens. Hence, Las Naves deploys within the city Living labs and pilot projects that test and validate innovative technologies and solutions tackling with city challenges.

Las Naves works on innovation through the involvement of 4 helix stakeholders: Public Sector, private sector, research/ academy, civil society, and on 5 strategic sectors: Mobility, Energy, Health, Food and Culture.

Las Naves focuses the research and innovation action through a missions oriented strategy targeted to improve quality of life of citizens and to achieve the SDO.

Contact Person: Corentin Girard



The Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation (Officially Climate Change Observatory Foundation) is an entity promoted by the City Council of Valencia whose aim is to support and promote city’s development through driving and implementing the city climate change strategy in its different aspects. The Foundation is developing its activities around two pillars to tackle climate change, mitigation and adaptation to ensure climate justice and energy democracy for all the inhabitants of the city of Valencia. The main objectives of the foundation are to inform, train and transform the city and its inhabitants to make Valencia a climate neutral and a climate proof living area. All the projects carried out by the Foundation aim to promote sustainable urban development, climate justice and energy democracy in the interest of its citizens in order to improve their life quality. The Foundation aims to deploy climate initiatives within the city and pilot projects that test and validate innovative approaches and solutions dealing with climate change city challenges.

Contact Person: Josep Redón



The “Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana” (INCLIVA, is a top 10 biomedical research institute in Spain. It is organized around four priority areas of research: cardiovascular, oncology, metabolism and organic damage and reproductive medicine. INCLIVA is included in the framework of centres of scientific excellence promoted by the Spanish Government, and it has been accredited by the National Health Institute Carlos III as an Institute of Research in Health Sciences. INCLIVA is the institution managing the research in the area of Health carried out from the University of Valencia (School of Medicine), the IGENOMIX Foundation devoted to the reproductive genetics and the University Clinic Hospital that includes a health department providing healthcare to the 350.000 inhabitants with an EHR that virtually covers the whole population of the department.

Contact Person: Maite Ferrando



Kveloce I+D+i is an SME specialized in the development, implementation and exploitation of R&D projects with more than 10 years of experience. The services offered by Senior Europa (K-veloce I+D+i) covers the following topics:

  • Management of R&D and innovation projects, individual or in collaboration
  • Knowledge management and business innovation processes
  • Definition and development of the Exploitation and Dissemination strategies within R&D projects
  • Social impact assessment (within research and innovation projects) including social acceptance
  • Citizen engagement strategies and co-creation methods

The geographic outreach of Kveloce I+D+i covers the European and international scope but the company is located in Spain, with branches in Valencia, Asturias and Madrid.

K-veloce I+D+i has strong expertise in activities addressed to SMEs and Research Centres; in particular Kveloce I+D+i develops and implement courses and specific seminars as well as virtual and online learning platforms. Besides, the company is also involved in academic initiatives, participating and contributing with its expertise, for example, to the EBT Master of Creation and Management of Technological Based Innovative Business, at the University of Valencia, and in the Master of Business Innovation of the Universidad Católica de Valencia.

Contact Person: Hein Raat


5. Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (EMC)

The Erasmus University Medical Centre ( is the largest university medical centre in the Netherlands, with approximately 14.000 employees. In addition to having the largest number of university hospital disciplines in the country, it includes excellent health science and basic research departments.

The Department of Public Health is one of the top medical research institutes in Europe and in the world. The Department of Public Health employs circa 130 persons (among which 100 scientific staff). It’s research is conducted in close collaboration with local, national and international public health or health care organizations, and is organized in two main programmes: Determinants and primary prevention (i.e. to better understand the social and physical determinants of population health and to develop effective primary preventive interventions to improve population health), and Secondary prevention and care (i.e. to contribute to population health by evaluating the process, effects, and cost-effectiveness of health care interventions).

Contact Person: Ertugrul Tanrikulu



Municipality of Edirne is the Center Municipality of Edirne Province. It is established in 1867.Our municipality is providing public service to the 180.237 inhabitants with 1452 staff who have been working in 21 directories like urban planning, water&sewage, cleaning&environmental works, parks & gardenings, transportation works, public relations, culture & social works, which are bounded to the 21 directors,5 deputy mayors and mayor. Our Municipality has also EU & International Relations Department, writing and coordinating EU funded and other projects, twin town and all kind of works related to international relations.

Contact Person: Baha KUBAN



Demir Enerji has track records in the field of sustainable energy, energy policy, carbon management and urban sustainability. Demir Enerji participated in numerous projects in the development of Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Municipalities such as İzmir Metropolitan, Bursa Metropolitan, Antalya Metropolitan, Bornova (İzmir), Seferihisar (İzmir), Tepebaşı (Eskişehir), Maltepe (İstanbul) Municipalities, some of them supported by the local Development Agencies. Latest Climate Action Plans developed, also included the Climate Adaptation Plans of the cities (Bursa, Kadıköy). The projects entailed in depth analysis of urban development dynamics and prospects, taking account of urban migration, demographic and economic developments as well as changes in administrative responsibilities. Development of action plans in EE in the built environment, low carbon urban transport, local generation and supply of RE resources, waste and water management. Working experience with local governments let Demir Enerji develop and participate EC funded Smart City projects.

Contact Person: Lucie Middlemiss



The University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS) is acclaimed world-wide for the quality of its teaching and research, and is ranked 93rd in the QS World University Rankings 2019. Leeds is in the top 10 universities in the UK (Times/Sunday Times, 2018) and was named the UK University of the Year in 2017 for its outstanding commitment to student education (Times/Sunday Times). The results of the most recent Research Excellence Framework exercise (REF) identified that 82.76% of its research activity has a top quality rating of either “world leading” or “internationally excellent” which makes it a constant member of the UK’s prestigious Russell Group of research intensive universities.

Contact Person: Koen Straver



TNO is one of the major applied research and technology organisations in Europe. With a staff of approximately 3000 and an annual turnover of close to a billion Euros, TNO is carrying out applied R&D on, among others, healthy living, industrial innovation, traffic & transport, buildings & infrastructure, circular economy, energy technology, and safety & security. TNO is involved in many international programmes, especially including EU-funded collaborative projects.

Contact Person: Miriam Eisermann



Energy Cities is a community of 1,000 cities and towns from 30 countries. We trigger a trustful dialogue between local leaders and EU & national institutions to accelerate the energy transition in Europe. The network gathers frontrunners and energy transition beginners, city officials and technical experts.

Energy Cities is steered by a Board of Directors of 11 cities from 11 countries. Its current President is the City of Heidelberg (DE).
From 2009, ENC has been coordinating the European Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative which is supporting now nearly 10 000 signatory cities and 219 regions in the development and implementation of their Sustainable energy & climate action plans (SECAPs).

Contact Person: Alberto Pilotto



The Ente Ospedaliero Galliera (EOG) is a public entity who was founded by the Duchess of Galliera in 1877. With the law D.P.C.M. 14/07/1995 has been identified as a centre of National Importance and High Specialization, part of the National Health System. The hospital is organized in 9 health departments, 4 administrative departments and 4 inter-departments with an availability of nearly 500 beds. The Hospital hosts the Italian National Registry of Bone Marrow Donors and a new Technological Center that includes: 1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET), 3 Computed axial tomography (CAT), 3 Magnetic Resonance, 3 Linear Accelerators, 2 Angiography and 1 MID (Iron Metal Detector) unique in the world. EOG carries out research and technological development as one of its main objectives. A Scientific Committee was established in 2003 and a Clinical Trial Research Unit in 2008.

Contact Person: Elmas Arus



Zero Discrimination Association (ZDA) has been founded in 2009 by a group of Roma activists and volunteers in order to empower capacities of the Roma people and other groups living like Roma people in Turkey. It aims to empower them with some certain skills to handle any economic, social and cultural discrimination and challenges they face in their daily life. The association values to reach out women and Roma youth in particular, and highly considers collaboration with civil society organizations, public institutions and the other Roma organizations. It also implements projects to support employment of Roma people, build capacities of Roma civil society organizations, and organizes public advocacy campaigns lobby activities targeting local, and central public institutions, as well as other policy makers. In the last two years, ZDA has carried out many activities and projects aiming at solving the problems Roma groups face. Some of the activities were monitoring of national and international Roma strategies and their implementation; providing rights-based approach and capacity support to civil society organizations established by Rom, Dom, Lom and Abdal gypsy ethnic groups. In addition, the community centers have been established in Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay- Kırıkhan and Şişli- İzzetpaşa to support Roma groups for their community life.

Contact Person: Gábor Balás



MUTK is a research centre where we are looking for innovative solutions related to urban development. As a knowledge centre, our mission is to share and distribute our know-how especially for municipalities. MUTK was founded by the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning in 2001. The Society consists of experts from different professions in the field of urban planning from all over the country. Therefore, MUTK has a wide network in the planning professional sphere and cooperates with several local authorities, universities and research centres. Our main services are: – research, – strategic planning, – communication and partnership building. MUTK has relevant experience in energy efficiency and climate change mitigation in the context of urban planning. We take part in international programmes of energy efficiency and MUTK was commissioned to prepare SEAPs for municipalities. Our expertise and work focuses on four topics: 1. building stock, 2. mobility, 3. local, renewable energy production 4. climate impacts on urban green areas. In the framework of the programme our main activities are: – planning, – collecting and sharing best practices, – organising trainings, – sharing information through newsletters: events, grant possibilities, case studies, – partnership building.

Contact Person: Dániel Horváth



Budapest consists of twenty-three districts, Óbuda-Békásmegyer is the 3rd district of the Hungarian capital. It is located to the north-western fringe of the city, stretching along the right side of the river Danube. Óbuda-Békásmegyer has nearly 127 000 inhabitants in its almost 40 km2 area.

The district itself can be characterized by various forms of buildings and inhabitants including the „House Village” – it counts as Hungary’s biggest soviet type of block of flats building with its 886 flats. Óbuda-Békásmegyer is the second largest populated and second largest district area among the other districts of Budapest. Due to its location, it connects the city center to the agglomeration zone.

The Municipality of 3rd District’s tasks and competences can be split further into:

  • compulsory; e.g.: childcare in kindergartens; primary school education; basic
    healthcare and social service; local public roads and public cemetery maintenance; the enforcement of national and ethnic minorities rights etc.
  • non-compulsory functions and competences; e.g.: citizen engagement, direct
    interaction with the local stakeholders, local urban planning regarding participatory planning aspects

The district is considered to be one of the most committed and advanced districts in Budapest with extensive use of district heating, several energy renovated buildings, multiple solar PV installations, and strong citizen engagement. The district is very committed to sustainability; energy efficiency, healthy living conditions and well-being of its citizens play a key role when making decisions.

Contact Person: Elena Petrova



ASIDEES ( established in Vienna, Austria in 2009, is private legal entity with non-profit status (Verein). Representing the vision of its members from different countries, ASIDEES aims at integrating the multi-disciplinary studies, applied research, experimental prototyping and various services aimed at the positive pathways to modern societies. The innovation services introduced by ASIDEES members foster novel areas of applications and address global challenges in a practical way always pursuing the aims of sustainability, humanity, continuous improvement of quality of life and biodiversity and green ecosystems for living. ASIDEES exhibits substantial applied research activities, both basic and industry-oriented, and technology transfer actions and applies it into various Horizon 2020 projects. Its achievements were demonstrated in the recent and ongoing projects Smart Urbana (2017 Horizon 2020) and Smart Pedestrian Nets (2017-2019 by JPI Europe). ASIDEES has a strong multidisciplinary and multicultural international team of experienced professionals which allows developing innovative solutions across and beyond Europe in transnational collaboration.

ASIDEES key activity areas include implementation of applying open cyber-bio-physical models of different complex processes and systems in urban areas, industrial enterprises and eHealth. The models are run as Digital Twin engines that link physical and digital worlds and enable AI and Big Data -driven transformation to assist private and public organisations in smart and sustainable governance and management.

Contact Person: Emilija Cvetkovska



Skopje is the capital and the administrative centre of the Republic of Macedonia. According to the latest official census in 2002, Skopje has about 500.000 inhabitants but the real number, including the wider city area, is around 600 000. In the city are located all regulatory and administration of the national level and has the riches social, cultural, economic and political life in the state. Also Skopje is the center of the major traffic node on the crossroads of two international communications corridors E-75 in the north-south direction and 871 and E-65 in east-west direction. City of Skopje is a separate kind of local self-government settled with a separate Law for City of Skopje. The City of Skopje is presently comprised of 14 different departments, public enterprises and public institutions. City of Skopje has established a long-term bilateral cooperation with sister cities all over the world. Department of International collaboration is the unit which is responsible for international projects, EU Funded projects and relations with international funding institutions. Also, it is engaged in the EU integration processes and collaboration with NGOs and foundations. Department of international collaboration is the local site coordinator of EU projects where City of Skopje is partner. It staff consists of 12 high professionals who has participated in more than 20 international projects. The local EU project committee is managed by the Department for international collaboration.

Contact Person: Gints Reinsons



Jelgava Municipal Operational Information Centre (JPOIC) is established in 2011 by the Jelgava City Council and uses comprehensive communication, information exchange and analysis mechanisms that provide direct communication between residents of Jelgava city, infrastructure maintenance, operational services (fire and rescue service, emergency medical aid Service, State Police, National Guard, etc.), state and local government institutions, commercial companies and the Civil Protection Commission. Since 2016 operates as separate institution. Functions of the Centre:

  • to ensure coordinated information circulation and analysis;
  • to carry out supervision and management of critical infrastructure monitoring systems;
  • to input or process data provided by Critical Infrastructure Providers.

Jelgava city municipality operative information centre has been created to oversee and coordinate necessary actions for the needs of the local Civil Protection Commission (CPC). Institution works in close collaboration with State Fire and Rescue service, State police, Municipal police, State Environmental service, Emergency Response Medical service and critical infrastructure maintaining organisations.

The main role of JPOIC is to monitor and assess potential risks and actual data from meteorological stations, water level measuring stations, road surface sensors, critical infrastructure objects etc. Based on empirical data there has been developed procedures for action that needs to be taken in pre-disaster period, actual disaster period and post-disaster period, to simplify the decision-making process for CPC, based on real-time data. For public protection an open-access Interactive flooding map has been created, where inhabitants can assess the probability of household flooding risks. An Early Warning System has been created for inhabitants to be able to receive information about potential threat situations to their households, including, but not limited to threats like flood, chemical catastrophes, wildfire etc. In everyday operations JPOIC oversees the actual situation of critical infrastructure and assist inhabitants in problem solving, that is applicable to the functions of Municipality and works closely with infrastructure maintainer institutions to prevent potential infrastructure damage or failure.

Contact Person: Hans van der Logt



Within the political, spatial and economic consolation the Region Parkstad Limburg (250.000 inhabitants, with 7 municipalities: Heerlen, Brunssum, Kerkrade, Landgraaf, Beekdaelen, Simpelveld en Voerendaal) developed a new energy transition plan ‘Parkstad Limburg Energie Transitie’ (PALET) which is based on a well-coordinated and structured analysis of the energy consumption within the region (PALET 1.0-regional and PALET 2.0-local). All 7 municipalities adopted the conclusion from this study to become energy neutral as a region in 2040. An unanimous decision for an ambition. Based on a potential study on energy efficiency and sustainable energy production the regional board set up an integrated and coordinated advice to the local municipal boards for a roadmap 2016-2020 with a 8% target. The main way to reach this is to show good examples and to challenge and engage citizens and entrepreneurs to help in reaching our goals. The municipality of Heerlen is transforming this roadmap into a new secured SEAP at the moment based on national legislation.

Contact Person: Stephen Blackburn



Leeds is the second largest local authority in England covering an area of 552 square kilometres. It is an area of great contrasts, including a densely populated inner-city area with associated challenges of poverty and deprivation, as well as a more affluent city centre, suburban and rural hinterland with villages and market towns.

The most recent census (2011) indicates that Leeds has a population of 751,500 people living in 320,600 households, representing a 5% growth since the previous census of 2001. Leeds has a relatively young and dynamic population and is an increasingly diverse city with over 140 ethnic groups including Black, Asian and other minority ethnic populations representing almost 19% of the total population compared to 11% in 2001.

The council employs approximately 12,000 people and spends almost £2 billion each year to deliver hundreds of different services both directly and with our partners.

100m £ – Is the investment that Leeds City Council (UK) is dedicating to specific energy efficiency initiatives in 2021

Fuel poverty is of particular concern to the council and a priority. With 56,000 council properties and over 100,000 tenants, the council views itself as a responsible landlord and wants its tenants to live in the best possible accommodation. As with social isolation, another council priority, fuel poverty is often difficult to identify however, and the council is looking into how technology might assist in identifying instances.