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Podcast episode on city interventions for better health and against energy poverty

This is our second and final episode on how energy poverty affects people not only financially but also through poor health. In the previous episode we looked into coping strategies and needs of people in energy poverty. In this current episode we want to discuss the different pathways we can take for making people’s lives at home healthier. This show is about how local governments can provide answers and concrete help, especially to those that are already in fragile or complicated situations. How can they be supportive in urgency situations while creating long-term conditions that bring wellbeing?

We speak about urban strategies with two very committed ladies who are part of WELLBASED: Victoria Pellicer from Valencia in Spain (Valencia Clima i Energia) and Agnes Losonci from the district administration of Obuda-Bekasmegyer, a district in Hungary’s capital Budapest. Valencia and Obuda are two pretty different places and still: energy poverty is an issue. Victoria and Agnes tell me what type of advice and measures works best and how their cities’ strategies in the field have evolved over time. In the WELLBASED project, Valencia and Obuda were pare of a group of 6 pilots that made the connection between public health and access to affordable energy.

Podcast episode on qualitative research with Beverley Searle and Dr. Lucie Middlemiss, University of Leeds

Dr. Lucie Middlemiss and Beverly Searle from the University of Leeds, research partner in the project, have been invited to “City Stories”, the podcast by Energy Cities. Lucie and Beverley have been leading the qualitative data collection in the WELLBASED project, looking at how people in energy poverty felt in their homes, how they dealt with limited access to energy and how this impacted their health and wellbeing. In our conversation Lucie and Beverley share their invaluable insights from over 150 qualitative interviews with people across six cities. We discuss the fragile health condition of people in energy poverty and try to untangle the many complex reasons for it.

Lessons from last winter - fighting energy poverty and ill-health (May 2023)

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