– Wanna discover the results and findings from the WELLBASED project? Check out the publications produced by our consortium partners, based on their experience on energy poverty and health in 6 European pilots.

  • Identifying the gaps on EU health and energy policies to mitigate Energy Poverty effects on health (February 2025): This analysis reveals gaps in addressing the intersection of energy poverty and health. There is ample room for action by public authorities at all public levels to bridge these gaps.
  • Policy recommendations (D5.5, February 2025): The Policy recommendations are provided across several areas corresponding to the horizontal domains mentioned by the European Commission in its recommendation to Member States to address Energy Poverty: governance, capacity building, monitoring to take action and funding.
  • Upscaling and replication strategies (D5.2, February 2025): this report for policymakers and other stakeholders contributes to improving urban health by providing actionable insights and strategies that can be adopted and scaled across diverse urban environments.
  • Report on status of posting of results (D4.6, February 2025): presents the status of posting on results in the study registry and the timeline for posting of final results after project end. An anonymised version of the WELLBASED dataset will be made available to the scientific community on the ZENODO platform
  • Exploitation strategy (D6.3, February 2025): this report outlines a common framework and strategy for exploiting the results and knowledge generated by the project. Additionally, the Hackathons, are presented in this deliverable, including their organisation and results.
  • Analysis of existing and alternative ways of financing urban health interventions aimed to tackle energy poverty (D5.1, Dec 2024): we are introducing 7 financial instruments which aim to alleviate energy poverty and its negative effects. The report also dedicates a large part to the Urban Financial Metabolism (UFM) methodology and to Social Impact Bond (SIB) which is a novel tool to finance innovative social projects.
  • Right to Energy, Right to Health – Project take-aways (December 2024): this two-pager gives a quick overview of where the project started and what results could be found.
  • Final Pilot Sites Analysis Report (D4.3, Dec 2024): The report provides a complete overview of the characteristics of the participants in the WELLBASED evaluation study and the impact of the WELLBASED Urban Program on a broad range of health, well-being and energy indicators.
  • Final report on the implementation of the urban program (D3.4, Nov 2024): The report details targeted actions across six European pilot cities (Edirne, Jelgava, Leeds, Heerlen, Óbuda, Valencia) in energy poor households to improve health outcomes through evidence-based approaches and systemic data collection.
  • When Vic learnt about healthy, energy-efficient and comfortable homes (2024): This comic book by Nicola Willand (RMIT) and Lucie Middlemiss (University of Leeds) tells the story of the 6 WELLBASED pilots in a visual and easy-to-understand way.
  • Urban Health Cluster 2nd Joint Policy Briefing (D1.11, Nov 2023): This policy brief firstly addresses some new policy questions and secondly showcases the health determinants that are most and least analysed, linking up to the SDGs.
  • Qualitative evaluation report (D4.5, Oct 2024): this report summarises the findings from qualitative research undertaken as part of the Wellbased project. Qualitative research was planned to complement other forms of data collection, helping to explain how change was happening, or why things were staying the same for participants.
  • WELLBASED Intermediate Analysis Report (D 4.2, October 2023): As a first batch of data from vulnerable households is available now, we provide you with an overview of the qualitative and quantitative findings and explain the methodologies of health, energy and home related measurements.
  • Warnings from winter 2022-2023: Support measures against energy poverty need to deliver more health benefits (September 2023): first findings of WELLBASED recent research on energy poverty and health in households from 5 nations (Hungary, Latvia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom). The team wanted to explore how vulnerable people came through past winter and define some next policy measures needed for the (near) future. >> Available in English,  Spanish, Hungarian and Turkish
  • How do interventions for energy poverty and health work? (June 2023): In this research paper we review the existing evidence on interventions for energy poverty and health with a novel and distinctive focus on how interventions work to produce health outcomes. The analysis reveals gaps between intervention design and participant response, which suggest that interventions must work closely with participants to ensure success. The paper includes policy recommendations.
  • Urban Health Cluster Joint Policy Briefing (D1.10, Sept 2022): This short brochure explains the purpose of the cluster, composed of six EU-funded projects, and how it is contributing – through evidence – to EU policy in health-related topics.
  • WELLBASED study design paper (August 2022): published in BMC Public Health, this paper describes the study design and intervention conditions through which WELLBASED will collect evidence on energy poverty and health in vulnerable households.
  • WELLBASED Pilot sites evaluation framework (D4.1, April 2022): The evaluation study carried out in the pilot cities will measure health and wellbeing effects, energy poverty indicators and energy efficiency, environmental data from the households, feedback and impressions from participants, and cost effectiveness. The framework of this evaluation study is described in this document.
  • WELLBASED Reports from the focus group created (D2.4, February 2022): Although this report has particular relevance for the development of the interventions in the WELLBASED project, this report is interesting for those who are interested in co-creation and focus group research, and those interested in the challenges of energy poor households and energy
    poor households’ suggestions for measures to support them.
  • WELLBASED Seven adapted urban programmes (D2.3, January 2022): The programmes of the 7 pilot cities described in this document represent different urban realities: diverse population characteristics, housing stock, social economic context, health facilities, political backgrounds regarding the fight against EP, climate conditions, etc. Each programme has been adapted to the local situation and some of their differences and common patterns have been analysed and compared in the document.
  • WELLBASED General Framework of the Urban Programme (D2.2, November 2021): this document defines a common methodology and framework for the seven WELLBASED Urban Programmes (WUP) based on the social ecological model.
  • WELLBASED report on Public Policies and interventions to reduce energy poverty (D2.1, July 2021): A comparative analysis of public policies addressing energy poverty carried out across several European countries.
  • WELLBASED Dissemination & Communication Plan (D6.2, June 2021 – updated 2023)

– Interesting external publications (Scientific articles, reports and other documents)